Stamp issued by IBD, which certifies/ensures the organic quality of the products.

Stamp issued by IBD, which certifies/ensures the biodynamic quality of the products.

Stamp issued by IBD, which certifies/ensures the organic quality of the products within the US market.

Stamp issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, which guarantees the quality of products in accordance with the Brazilian standards of the “Federal Inspection Service,” allowing sale throughout Brazil.

SisOrg (Brazilian System for the Evaluation of Organic Conformity) stamp issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. Ensures the integrity of organic products according to Law 10.831/2003.

Global organization that identifies safe and sustainable agriculture worldwide.

SMETA é um procedimento de auditoria que consiste numa compilação de boas práticas na técnica de auditoria ética.
Biodynamic Concepts
1 – Organic product: A safe food, grown without pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and later certified by an entity accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture in accordance with Law 10831/2003. They come from agricultural systems based on natural processes that do not harm nature, respecting the socio-cultural integrity of the communities where they are being grown. The techniques used to yield organic products include the use of composting, green manuring, organic soil management and crop diversity, which ensure the highest biological quality of food. Organic Agriculture is the true way to produce healthy food and protect the integrity of the environment and the health of consumers.
2 – Biodynamic product: Products from biodynamic agriculture. A precursor of organic agriculture, biodynamic agriculture has existed since 1924, based on the principles of Anthroposophy, a spiritual science introduced by Rudolf Steiner. In biodynamic practice, the farmer performs a conscious action in the broad task of understanding all possible relationships (dynamics) between the different living beings (bio) present in his work environment. It includes the study of cosmic rhythms, linked to the Moon, Sun and Planets, their interrelationships, and their consequences in agricultural practice. Farmers seek to make their property an integrated organism (agricultural organism), integrating all activities, just as it happens in the human body, where all organs are connected, that is, one depends on the other. Biodynamic agriculture reuses all materials, with minimal resources and inputs from outside the property. It uses biodynamic preparations, made from medicinal herbs, manuring and silica applied in a homeopathic manner. These preparations are applied to the soil, compost piles and plants, and carry healing forces, balancing the soil-plant-animal and human system. Biodynamic products are known for their vitality and nutritional quality.
3 – Our certifier: The Instituto Biodinâmico (IBD) is a company located in Botucatu, in the state of São Paulo, which carries out agricultural inspections, certifications and processing of extractive, organic and biodynamic products. Founded in 1990 and accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture, IBD has been active in several areas of Brazil and South America, helping to develop a sustainable agriculture pattern based on new economic, social and ecological relations. Since its beginning, it has sought to adapt to the increasing demands of a developing market.
4 – Why consume organic and biodynamic products: These foods are nutritious, tasty and healthy. In balanced soils, plants grow healthier; from them, more nutritious foods are yielded, that is, natural properties such as aroma, color, flavor, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins are preserved. Only by consuming organic products is it possible to appreciate the natural flavor of food. This offers our consumers the certainty that they are purchasing foods that fully comply with the principles of Food Safety, that is, Nutritious, Safe and Environmentally Correct foods. In addition to socio-cultural and economic responsibility, since when we consume organic foods, we are being socially responsible, contributing to the conservation and preservation of the environment, valuing the workforce, and supporting social causes related to the protection of workers and the elimination of child labor.