Articles and studies

Albinism in Artibeus planirostris (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) in the Caatinga biome and updated list of albino bats in Brazil.
Through the rare capture of a female pregnant albino bat at Tamanduá Farm, biologists carry out a compilation of similar events in Brazil.
Seasonality in the Coleoptera community in two Caatinga phytophysiognomies
Two characteristic habitats in this region were investigated regarding the seasonal variation in the beetle's fauna, near an evergreen riparian forest and at a deciduous xerophytic vegetation in Paraíba state, in northeastern Brazil.
Primeiro relato de Numia Terebintharia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) em Ziziphus joazeiro mart. (Rhamnaceae) no Brasil
The present note reports the occurrence of caterpillars of the species Numia terebintharia Guenée consuming leaves of evergreen trees of Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. in a site with xerophilous deciduous Caatinga vegetation in that region.
Spirulina from Tamanduá Farm
The World Health Organization declared Spirulina “the best food for humanity” in 1974. The Tamanduá Farm Institute, incubator of projects designed to make the sertão viable, decided in the 1980s to face this challenge, developing adequate means and food.
How pollinator visits are affected by flower damage and ants presence in Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Martius and Choise) (Convolvulaceae)?
Evaluates the effects of florivory and of the patrolling ants associated to EFNs-extrafloral nectaries, on the frequency of floral visitors, using the specie Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Martius and Choise) in Caatinga area.
Temporal and spatial variation of the arthropodofauna associated with Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) in an ecosystem of Tropical Rainforest
The study aimed to evaluate the spatial and temporal variations that occur in the multitrophic interactions in a model plant of two Caatinga areas.
Trade-off in plant-ant interactions: seasonal variations
This work evaluated the effect of seasonality on ant-plant interaction in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests.
Indirect effects of predators on the behavior of pollinators of Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) in Dry Tropical Forest
The study evaluated how the presence of artificial spiders affect the behavior of floral visitors, using as an ecological model the species Ipomoea carnea subs. Fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) in Caatinga area.